Smart Skills: Accessing and Adding Linked Resources in OvrC

Video Transcript:

You know you saw those blueprints somewhere. You just can’t remember where...why can’t you just keep all the documents you need in one place... including the new technician schedule developed yesterday?

It turns out now you can using linked resources in OvrC

To access linked resources in OvrC, follow these steps:

Step 1: Select the customer project.

Step 2: Access the available linked resources.

Step 3: Link new resources.

Step 1: Select the Customer Project.

Select the customer project you’re working on. In the list of available customers, select the one you would like to access resources for.

Step 2: Access the Available Linked Resources.

Under Linked Resources, click any of the available linked resources.

Step 3: Link New Resources

If no resources are available or you want to add some, you can add them by clicking Add Resource. Then, select the Add Resource button. Name for the resource and select the type. There are many types of resources you can add. Some examples are wiring schedules, blueprints, a link to the company website, or a schedule of who will be on-site for a new construction project. Click Save. From here, you can edit or delete resources as well. The goal here is for partners to easily access operationally essential resources.

It really is that easy to access and add the resources you need in OvrC. No more struggling to find what you need fast – OvrC linked resources makes it easy to keep your essential documents organized.